If you are new to Pinehurst, you may have some questions about who we are and what we do. Below are answers to some common questions that might help you get to know us better.

What is the meaning of your name?

We are called Pinehurst Baptist Church because we are located in the Pinehurst neighborhood in Everett, and we are a Baptist church.  A church is simply a group of people who are Christians and who agree to worship God together.  Baptists believe in baptism after a person makes a profession of faith in Jesus, after being transformed by God.  Baptists also believe in religious freedom and the autonomy of the local church.  There are hundreds of Baptist denominations as well as many independent Baptist churches.  We are associated with the Southern Baptist Convention, which is the largest Protestant denomination in America. See our What We Believe page to read the SBC's Baptist Faith and Message.

How long has the church been around?

The church was established in 1956.  

What do you do on Sundays?

On Sunday mornings, we meet at 9:30 for Bible study (a.k.a. Sunday school). We have classes for all ages, from babies to adults. At 10:45 we gather for worship and communion. We provide childcare during this time for babies through preschool, and after our singing time, children in grades K-3 are dismissed for children's church.

What are services like?

The morning worship gathering is rather simple.  A typical Sunday will look like this: after a welcome and some announcements, there is a Scriptural call to worship. We then sing three or four songs (you'll hear some traditional hymns as well as some newer songs), a time of prayer, hear the Word of God (the Bible) preached, and then sing a final song. The sermons explain portions of the Bible and apply those truths to our lives. We typically take the Lord’s Supper together following the sermon; the bread symbolizing Jesus’ body, broken for us on the cross (1 Corinthians 11:23-24), and the cup symbolizing Jesus’ blood, poured out for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:27-28). There are offering boxes available in the sanctuary and foyer for those who would like to worship the Lord through financial gifts.

What do you offer kids?

There are Bible study (Sunday School) classes for all ages. We have childcare during the worship service for children up through age 4 as well as Children's church during the sermon time.  All our childcare workers have been screened through a background check.

What do I need to wear?

We have no dress code at Pinehurst.  We have people who wear coats and ties and dresses, and people who come in jeans and t-shirts.  Wear whatever you feel is appropriate.