Worship is, quite simply, making much of God. The word comes from the Old English word weorthscipe, which means "worthship." In other words, worship means ascribing worth to something. When we worship God, we're acknowledging that He is of greater worth than anyone or anything else. We accomplish this through our obedience, our service, and our praise.

One of the best definitions of worship comes from Mark Dever: “Worship is a total life orientation of engaging with God on the terms that He proposes and in the way that He provides. Our reasonable service of New Testament worship is to present our whole selves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God (Rom. 12:1-2; cf. also 1 Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:17). So music is a subset of our corporate worship, and corporate worship is a subset of our total-life worship" (Deliberate Church, page 115).

Our gathered worship time is on Sundays at 10:45 a.m. During this time, we aim to glorify God by praying, singing His praises, giving back our monetary offerings to Him, and listening to God’s Word preached. Toward the end of the service, anyone who is a believer in Jesus Christ is invited to partake in the Lord's Supper together. The focus of our worship is always God. We aim to be true to Him and His Word in our singing and our sermons.  

We realize that the Bible does not prescribe any particular genre of music, so we sing both classical hymns and contemporary worship songs. We strive to sing words that are based on the Bible, theologically accurate, and related to the day's sermon. The sermon comes directly from the Bible.

We also have Childrens Church for kids ages birth - 3rd grade. All our childcare workers have been screened for the safety of our children.